Suggested Books

The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness

The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, Revised Edition

The Luck of the Draw

A Rage for Glory

The Effectiveness Of Airpower In The 20th Century
DefenseLINK News: Navy Hospital Ship Continues to Care for... The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy is becoming a common sight off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the commander of the ship’s medical |
Prisoners of War: World War II Bibliography of books on the experiences of Navy Prisoners of War during World War II |
Navy Fact File: Large, Medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off ships - T-AKR USNS Bob Hope (T-AKR 300) USNS Fisher (T-AKR 301) USNS Seay (T-AKR 302) USNS Mendonca (T-AKR 303) USNS Pililaau (T-AKR 304) USNS |
USNS Comfort Stops in Rota in Return to Homeport USNS Comfort Stops in Rota in Return to Homeport In-Depth Coverage Navy Newsstand. Story Number: NNS030529-05 |
T-AH 19 Mercy Class - Navy Ships USNS Mercy T-AH 19 NASSCO Oakland 29 Jun 1973 01 Feb 1976 USNS Comfort T-AH 20 NASSCO Baltimore 01 Jun 1973 01 Feb 1976 |
| Specials Weapons. Maps. On the Scene. Sights & Sounds. Impact. Heroes of War. Struggle for Iraq The USNS Comfort in the Persian Gulf before the war in |
CBS News U.S. Hospital Ship Treats Wounded |
Service During Sept. 11 11 terrorist attacks, crewmembers from USNS Comfort have been awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal (HMS) for their deployment to New York |
| WestPoint Stevens plans China office WestPoint Stevens plans China office Reuters, 04.20.04, 12:09 PM ET NEW YORK, April 20 (Reuters) - WestPoint Stevens Inc. |
The Great War PBS |
Tampabay: Vanished On June 27, David flew from Jacksonville to Norfolk, Va., where he boarded the USNS Bold. |
Call to Duty The hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) leaves Baltimore harbor en route to Earle, N.J., where it will embark Navy medical personnel before |
Iraqi Boy Aboard the USNS COMFORT Iraqi Boy Aboard the USNS COMFORT |
USNS Comfort Underway Search. Comfort press release. USNS Comfort Underway A Sailor aboard U.S. Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort cleans the deck around the |
Wednesday, November 14, 2001 Floating hospital USNS Mercy ready for a real-world mission. By Carlos Bongioanni, Stars and Stripes |
Ships of the Special Mission Force, MSTS/MSC 1958-2000 USNS Bowditch (T-AGS 21) 1958-87 USNS Dutton (T-AGS 22) 1958-89 USNS Michelson (T-AGS 23) 1958-75 USNS Kellar (T-AGS 25) 1969-72 USNS Silas Bent |
World War 1 - 15th Field Artillery Regiment WW1 WW2 Korea Vietnam Panama Bosnia Iraq 'Fighting 15th' Historical information - 75mm Howitzer in WW1 By: Dan Gillotti, 15th Historian |
U.S. Navy hospital ship treats patients in Dili, East Timor Dili ,East Timor (Mar 292005) -- Lt. Robert Senko, an optometrist assigned to the Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) |
Navy NewsStand - The Source for Navy News Focus on USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) Top Stories Navy NewsStand - The Source for Navy News Search. All Any Exact Eye on USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) |
USNS Mercy Steaming To Assist |
USNS COMFORT T-AH20, BALTIMORE, MD This is the official Navy web site for USNS COMFORT,"Medical Treatment Facility" and is provided as a public service by the Commanding Officer. |
USNS Rappahannock (T-AO 204) One of Military Sealift Command's thirteen Oilers. |
USS Rainier Homepage Distributes ammunition, provisions, stores and petroleum products to carrier battle group ships while underway. Ship history and namesake's |
USNS Mercy preparing to deploy on humanitarian mission S. Pacific Fleet, announced Tuesday that preparations are being made to deploy the U.S. Naval hospital ship USNS Mercy, a San Diego-homeported |
USNS Kingsport (T-AG 164) USNS Kingsport (T-AG 164) survey ship and first satellite communications ship. VC2-S-AP3 type Victory ship built as Kingsport Victory (T-AK 239. |
USNS Saturn Pulls Into Port USNS Saturn Pulls Into Port Another big grey returned to Norfolk after being away for five months. The USNS Saturn and its crew of about 150 pulled |
History and Memories of the USNS Barrett History and memories of the USNS BARRETT (T-AP 196) |
Matthew Henson, USNS Henson, USNS Matthew Henson The Ship USNS HENSON (T-AGS 63) will become the fourth in the T-AGS 60 class o of multi-purpose oceanographic survey ships built by Halter Marine |
USNS Sangley Point - Welcome Aboard Last update 1/6/2003 This Web Site is maintained by Loren Stiegelmar Irving, TX |
Yahoo! News - Search Results for new york city travel |
USNS (Alan) Shepard NASA Watch |
David Ronnal Provost Circumstances - David is a Civilian Merchant Seaman employed on the US Navy Ship USNS Bold. |
Around the world cruise aboard the NASA Apollo tracking ship USNS... Join the crew of the USNS Vanguard as they sail the tropics, search the skies for satellites, and ponder the origin of that magnificent phrase, |
21-Nov-95 1. SUMMARY: This document contains plans for deploying the USNS MERCY (T-AH 19) on a humanitarian mission to the west coast of Central America. |
Nursing Spectrum- Career Fitness Online Janet Boivin, RN, editorial director for Nursing Spectrum’s Greater Chicago/Tri-State division, was aboard the USNS Comfort March 21-25. |