Marine Corps
Suggested Books


Small Wars Manual

Carlos Hathcock "Whitefeather"

One Bullet Away

United States Marine Corps - Official Website - News United States Marine Corps - News Stories. |
DefenseLINK News: Navy Hospital Ship Continues to Care for... The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy is becoming a common sight off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the commander of the ship’s medical |
| -- Benefiting the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Resources |
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society A private non-profit charitable organization providing financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of the United |
ABC News: 'Shopping Bags' Test Carry-On Luggage Victorinox, Swiss Army, with single-post handle: It's designated as a carry-on, but it's too big. |
Marine Corps Times This site offers weekly news on the U.S. Marine Corps. |
USAJOBS - A Message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps "The Marine Corps' success in safeguarding American ideals and protecting our national interests is |
U.S. Marine Corps Heritage. Traditions. Semper Fidelis. Core Values. Oath. USMC Birthday. Silent Drill. The President's Own. Marines' Hymn 8th & I. |
The Battle of Chancellorsville Summary of the Battle of Chancellorsville. |
Command and Staff College Command and Staff College |
| - Rumsfeld: In the end, Saddam 'not terribly brave' - Dec.... Saddam's beard was shaved and his hair trimmed for identification purposes, military officials said. |
Marine Corps Marathon (iad1-srv02) Congratulations to all Marine Corps Marathon and MCM8k participants. A special thanks to all kids that participated in the Healthy Kids Fun Run. |
Marine Corps League Veteran / military association for active and former Marines; civilian / corporate memberships. Promotes Marine Corps; assists needy; Ship's Store |
Official Marine Corps web site for Marine Corps Recruit Depot San... Command biographies, FAQ, recruit information, maps and directions, newspaper, graduation schedule, museum details, and information for retirees and |
MCCS Marine Corps Community Services Supports Marines and families world wide. |
U.S. Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Home Page Event Photos Members Section Florida "Marine Corps" License Plates Illinois “Marine Corps” License Plates Information Requests |
MARINE TOYS FOR TOTS FOUNDATION : HOME PAGE Raises funds to provide toys to supplement the collections of local coordinators and defray the costs of conducting annual Toys for Tots campaigns. |
Welcome - Headquarters Marine Corps Camp Lejeune Water Survey Freedom Of Information Act USMC Uniform Store USMC Records, Reports, and Directives Management. Doctrine. Marine |
Official Marine Forces Reserve Website Official Website of the Marine Forces Reserve |
| - The definitive Marine Corps site, Tun Tavern on the... USMC Discussions. Sound off, Marines! All Discussions. Unit Homepages First Name Last Name. Get free USMC news, deals and benefit updates! |
Marine Corps Association For all who have earned and worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor, the Marine Corps Association is the professional organization for all Marines - active |
The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation relies on donations and volunteers to support the Marine historical programs. We need your help! |
Once a Marine Always a Marine - Welcome to Sgt Grit Marine Corps New USMC Merchandise. Click on the item to the right to get the detail as well as see similar items from Sgt Grit. |
Marine Corps Community - USMC Marine Corps community for USMC veterans. Providing news, links, downloads, and chat. |
"The President's Own"United States Marine Band _QUOTATION_The President's Own_QUOTATION_ is uniquely charged with the duty of providing music for the President of the United States and the |
Official Website for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Newcomer orientation, and information about local major commands, tenant organizations, and training schools.Newcomer orientation, and information |
Iwo Jima Links, information, and pictures of the flag raisers. |
Training and Education Command USMC Training And Education Command (TECOM) |
The Third Marine Division Association EVENT INFORMATION Marine Corps Birthday Celebrations Third Marine Division Association - 2006 Reunion Milwaukee, WI. August 9 - 13, 2006 |
Official Marine Forces Reserve Website MARFORRES, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, is the Headquarters command for all the Marine Reservists and Reserve units located throughout the |
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, Arizona Associations & Organizations. Educational (ROTC, JROTC) Marine Corps Leagues. Young Marines. Department of Defense. U.S. Air Force. U.S. Army |
MCRD Parris Island, S.C. Links Spotlight MotoMail: Family and friends of deployed Marines can keep in touch by writing a letter here. |
MARINE CORPS UNIFORM BOARD Web Site (Last Updated 18 Nov 05) Web Publisher |
Marine Forces Pacific - The largest field command in the Marine... News, command biographies, and newcomer information. |
MCAS Cherry Point, NC Major USMC installation in Havelock. Home to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. Site includes public affairs information, services and resources for |
Official Website for Marine Aircraft Group 13 Based at Air Station Yuma. Command biographies, unit history, and photos. |
MCRD Parris Island, S.C. Offering information for recruit families and active-duty Marines in relation to training at MCRD/ERR. |
Welcome to the Marine Corps Aviation Association website! Web site question? Contact us Powered By: Marine Corps Aviation Association Capital Sqdn Dinners. JOIN/RENEW. Squadrons. Aviation News |
About The Women Marines Association National Association of current and former Women Marines dedicated to preserving the history of women in the Marine Corps, helping veterans & |
MCAGCC/MAGTFTC Home Page Home of Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command. History and unit information for base organizations and directorates. |