Suggested Books

House of War

The Sorrows of Empire

The Soldier and the State

Operation Warhawks

The New Imperialism (Clarendon Lectures in Geography and Environmental Studies)
Secret War Plans and the Malady of American Militarism |
Fund for Education and Training Committee Against Registration and the Draft (CARD) Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) Lutheran Peace Fellowship |
The New American Militarism by Tom Engelhardt and Andrew Bacevich The New American Militarism by Tom Engelhardt and Andrew Bacevich by Tom Engelhardt and Andrew Bacevich |
The Objector: Home of the Central Committee for Conscientious Revolutionary Artists Workshop Showcasing political hip hop, spoken word, graphic art and poetry addressing militarism in America. |
AWOLMagazine: Revolutionary Artists Workshop Showcasing political hip hop, spoken word, graphic art and poetry addressing militarism in America. |
COMD: Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft An anti-militarism organization that challenges the institution of the military, its effect on society, its role abroad and at home, and the various |
Citizen Soldier Homepage Depleted Uranium: Wonder Weapon or Toxic Hazard? BOOKS Imperial Delusions: American Militarism and Endless War by Carl Boggs |
War Resisters League Committed not only to eliminating war, but the causes of war. Offers on-line magazine, calendar of events, resources, and opportunities for |
International Action Center homepage American organization which fights US militarism, war, and corporate greed. |
National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee A coalition of groups from across the US formed to provide information and support to people involved in or considering some form of war-tax |
Youth & Militarism : AFSC Militarism: A Queer Issue |
CAMS ~ The Coalition Against Militarism In Our Schools MISSION STATEMENT OF THE COALITION AGAINST MILITARISM IN THE SCHOOLS High School and member of the Coalition Against Militarism In Our Schools. |
Redirect : Youth and Militarism Program You are being forwarded to this page's new location at |
Home: Stopping War Where it Begins: Youth and the Military.Org Join us for 12 Days of Opt Out campaign September 12-24, 2005 which will kick off a year-long counter-recruitment push across the country. |
Militarism and the Environment Campaigns > Militarism and the Environment September 3, 2005 10:13 CDT Cost of the War in Iraq (JavaScript Error) |
United for Peace : Index on the Gulf Coast and the connection that Dr. King made between the "giant triplets of racism, militarism and economic exploitation" will be |
Japanese history: Militarism and World War II Home - History - Militarism and WW2 (1912 - 1945) Search this site Period Azuchi-Momoyama Period Edo Period Meiji Period Militarism, WW2 Post |
War Times Documents the costs of militarism and the war on terrorism. Includes back issues, subscription information, action ideas, and volunteer |
Books for an informed democracy: Chomsky, Zinn, Harbury, Aristide.... Publisher and seller of political and academic writings from a progressive perspective, including books and tapes by Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, |
Women's Action for New Directions: Welcome! Empowers women to act politically to reduce violence and militarism, and redirect excessive military resources toward unmet human and environmental |
[EMLS 4.1 (May, 1998): 8.1-4] Review of Surveillance, Militarism and Surveillance, Militarism and Drama in the Elizabethan Era. New York: St. Martin’s P, 1996. 348 pp. ISBN 0 312 16406 6 Cloth. |
U.S. Militarism ( U.S. Militarism Introduction: U.S. militarism continues to dominate Introduction: U.S. militarism continues to dominate the world. |
For Mother Earth Boycott Bush! Use your power as a consumer to stop the US war machine. Anti-militarism. Case Hermaja Support Finnish Conscientious Objectors |
Home Page He concludes with a summary of cooperative security options that provide the foundation for a comprehensive alternative to unilateral militarism. |
Writings by Peace Activist S. Brian Willson Essays on the American Way of Life, U.S. Imperialism and Revolutionary Nonviolent Alternatives by Vietnam veteran and renowned peace activist S. |
Rethinking Schools Online - Suggesting Readings for Teachers and... He is the former coordinator of the National Youth and Militarism Program at the American Friends Service Committee. |
Sacrificial burial deepens mystery at Teotihuacan, but confirms the Arizona State University 03.12.2004 Sacrificial burial deepens mystery at Teotihuacan, but confirms the city’s militarism |
Women Against Military Madness Oppose Militarism and Global Injustice by Supporting the Work of W A M M. Labor for Love and Against Military Madness While You’re at Work |
Conscientious Objection - An Important Decision 888-231-CCCO Email: Web: Committee Opposed to Militarism & the Draft (COMD) POB 15195 San Diego, CA |
Boycott KB Toys For Misleading the Public About Bush's Military... Signatures on the Boycott KB Toys For Misleading the Public About Bush's Military Record Petition to KB Toys. |
Physicians for Global Survival (Canada) - Welcome to PGS PGS is the Canadian affiliate of the only international medical organization focusing on the abolition of nuclear weapons and the prevention of war. |
Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online - 03431 -... JAPANESE MILITARISM Touch a box below to learn more |
| - Centre for Research on Globalization - by Jerry Mazza - 2006-01-24. Conservative Victory Will advance Canada's militarism and cohesion with the U.SA |
Coalition For World Peace: CFWP Home ActionLA Alliance for Democracy AIM Southern California Chapter (American Indian Movement) Coalition Against Militarism In Our Schools Code |
ooa World Peace) UFPJ (United for Peace and Justice) R4P (Resolution For Peace) CAMS (Coalition Against Militarism in the Schools) Topanga Peace |
Michael Parenti Political Archive at home and throughout the world people are fighting back against the forces of wealth, privilege, and militarism -- some because they have no |
No More Victims A Citizen's Response To Militarism Direct Action to Help Victims of Aggression We have been collecting photographs and medical reports |
| |
War Tax Resistance: How To Stop Paying For Militarism War Tax Resistance: How to Stop Paying for Militarism |
What's Next: Spitballs? or Where's Zell When You Really Need Him? by... own shores are vulnerable to attack by another army. Or army ants. Or even a couple of tipsy guys with Swiss Army knives (watch the corkscrew |
Saying NO to militarism and war Saying NO to militarism and war |