Suggested Books

Oracle Database 10g High Availability with RAC, Flashback, and Data Guard (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)

Lethal Elegance

So Others May Live

Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul

The Koehler Method of Guard Dog Training; An Effective and Authoritative Guide for Selecting, Training and Maintaining Dogs in Home Protection and Po
U.S. Coast Guard Bibliography: Military Prep. WWII CG Manned... World War Two Era Coast Guard Manned Navy and Army Vessels. Articles: |
| -- Benefiting the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Resources |
The Official Web Site of the Air National Guard Visit our Career Opportunities page to find full-time or part-time, military or civilian challenging positions. |
Air War College (AWC) Home Page Details on programs, faculty, research, and alumni. |
Duin Toy Soldier Site Features a collection of Britains metal items. |
ESGR - National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and promoting understanding and support between employers and their national guard and reserve member employees |
The National Guard - Ready, Reliable, Essential and Accessible. The federal agency which allocates missions and resources for the federal mission of the National Guard of the several states and territories. |
The Army National Guard Official Army National Guard Public Website information and topics managed by the ARNG Directorate in Arlington Virginia |
Army National Guard Recruiting Center Information on requirements and benefits of joining the Army National Guard |
Guard Family Program Information for members and families, covering all branches, covering background on the Guard, pay and benefits, employers' obligations, deployment, |
EANGUS: The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United... EANGUS exists to _QUOTATION_promote the status, welfare and professionalism of the enlisted members of the National Guard of the United |
UnitedStatesCoastGuard Overview of career tracks for enlisted, officer, reserve, and auxiliary personnel, and civilians. FAQ, and details about scholarships. |
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Official website of the volunteer branch of the United States Coast Guard |
Fred's Place - The Place To Meet Old Coast Guard Shipmates Fred Siegel, Coast Guard, Coast Guard Discussions, Find old buddies, Find old shipmates, apply for a VA Loan, find a civilian job, read about |
Office of Boating Safety Search: Advanced Search. Welcome to the official website of the U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety! Attwood Bow & Stern Eye Alert |
US Coast Guard Academy Gateway to information on the history, academics, admissions, atheletics, Leadership Development Center, Coast Guard Band and the Barque Eagle. |
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance official site for Coast Guard Mutual Assistance "We Look After Our Own" For assistance contact your local Representative Locations |
USCG G-PCX Web Site - Ribbons Precedence for the Coast Guard Forces |
In Memory of Jack Eckert Jack's Joint - An Unofficial Coast Guard History told by those who lived it, |
Seventh Coast Guard District Director of Auxiliary DIRAUX Administer the Seventh Coast Guard's District's Auxiliary program. Oversee the Seventh Coast Guard District's Recreational Boating Safety Program. |
Navigation Rules Homepage Download a free copy of the official USCG Navigation Rules, or submit your Nav Rules question to the Coast Guard's expert. |
National Guard Association of the U.S. The voice of 500,000 citizen soldiers, includes National Guard Magazine, Library and a members only section. |
Coast Guard Auxiliary Association - Shop Auxiliary Coast Guard Auxiliary Association - Shop Auxiliary |
Seventh District United States Coast Guard Director of Auxiliary Web DIRAUX, Seventh District United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Web Site |
D11NR Materials Store - U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11... D11NR Materials Store - U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11 Northern Region. |
Home Page - Coast Guard CW Operators Assn. ZUT - CW Forever ZUT (formally, "Zeta Upsilon Tau") was subtitled the Fraternal Order of Coast Guard CW Operators |
The Army National Guard Official Army National Guard Public Website information and topics managed by the ARNG Directorate in Arlington Virginia |
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, National Forms Site, ANSC PDF... REV # FILE SIZE 7001 Enrollment Application 07/99 08/06/99 72K 7002 CG-1650 Coast Guard Award Recommendation 05/94 05/31/05 2 118K |
Launch CGINFO Welcome To AUXINFO! |
AUXeTRAIN Coast Guard Auxiliary Testing & Training |
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Local Web Sites DIRAUX Web Pages. USCG Office of Coast Guard Auxiliary. D5S Director of Auxiliary. D7 Director of Auxiliary. CCGD7 DIRAUX West (Venice, FL) |
Louisiana Air National Guard Includes squadron information. |
National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program A structured, quasi-military training and mentoring program affiliated with the National Guard for at-risk youth that develops the life skills, |
DirAux D7 - DirAux West Coast Guard Auxiliary Testing & Training |
Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association Last updated Monday, April 04, 2005 The Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association wishes everyone a Happy New Year. |
index on this site do not reflect endorsement of any kind on the United States Coast Guard's behalf. The United States Coast Guard and the U.S.C.G.C |
Coast Guard Aviation Association The Ancient Order of The Pterodactyl The Coast Guard Aviation Association Flying since the world was flat |
Redirect page Resources, support and links for National Guard Youth Program. |
SITREP: Coast Guard Auxiliary e-zine SITREP- The US Coast Guard Auxiliary e-zine |
Seventh District United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Web Site -... The Gateway to boating safety information. The home of the Seventh District of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. |
Foundation for Coast Guard History Foundation for Coast Guard History. Login • Register • Registree List • Home. About. The Board |