Suggested Books

Band of Brothers

The Devil's Sandbox

Sharpe's Regiment (#8) (Sharpe's Adventures)

Biggest Brother

In the Hands of Providence
Dave Sergeant TV Dave Sergeant TV and video repairs |
index This web site is referred to World Wide 11, a team playing in League-A (NEW YORK). Captain: Kamaldeep (Raja). |
Comrades and Colleagues - Find Forces Friends and Service Pals from... SEARCH Keyword search our databases for Units, Squadrons, Regiments, Ships etc |
Pershings Doughboys WW1 US Army Living History Group (UK) Pershings Doughboys World War One U.S. Army Living History Group- Dedicated group of UK enthusiasts representing US Army Soliders from WW1. AEF. |
Scots Guards Print This Page. Page Properties. Add to Favourites. Army Home Page / Infantry Home / Regiments / Scots Guards |
TX Military Institute Texas Military College, Terrell, TX Texas Military College, Terrell, 1934 postcard. Now part of the Southwest Texas Campus. |
Scottish Regiments Scottish Regiments. The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards The Scots Guards The Royal Marquis of Argyle was sanctioned to raise 10Scottish Regiments |
Military Organizations Raised in Alabama During Civil War ALABAMA: Index. Introduction CoverPage REGIMENTS |
history of the guards in the RevWar Headquarters in London to form a detachment for service in the American theater taken from the three Regiments of Foot Guards: First Foot |
Regiments.Org Comprehensive catalog of web resources pertaining to military history, with emphasis on the British Empire and Commonwealth. |
The Long, Long Trail Historical information about the military units, formations, battles, and heroes. |
British Light Infantry Regiments - County Light Infantry •back to top• For Enquires about this site please contact the British Light Infantry Regiments Webmaster |
James River Publications - Main Page -... Infantry regiments. Secondly, and why I felt compelled to drop a line, I was very touched by your dedication to the Caldwell brothers. |
Alabama Civil War Regimental Histories Histories of Alabama Civil War regiments (and other units) |
French and Indian War - Uniforms Chart for British Regiments (Army) 18th century music SOUND clips! British Regular Regiments in North America 1755-1763 Compiled by Robert Henderson |
47th Indiana volunteer Infantry 19th it was present at a public reception given to veterans of the Twenty-First and Forty-seventh regiments at Metropolitan Hall in that city; |
Museum of the Regiments Museum of the Regiments a proud journey through history Home. Lecture Series 2005 - 2006 Schedule |
ww1, 1914-18, mustard gas What it does hint at is that chemical warfare didn't start in WW1. In ancient times fires were lit so that smoke choked the other side |
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System Search Regiments |
The Wardrobe - Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire... Regimental museum for the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment. Offers information on the regiments, history, collections, and |
Australia's Red Coat Regiments Australia's Red Coat Regiments |
Union Regiments - Indiana The Civil War Archive |
American Civil War Research Database Commercial site that contains regimental rosters, chronicles, officer profiles, soldier photographs, and battle synopses. Charge per search, or |
49th Indiana Included with this page is a link to most of the regiments and batteries in the 13th Corps. |
THE BRIGADE OF GUARDS @ A site for the use of former and serving members of the Brigade of Guards and for those interested in any or all of the Guards regiments. |
Caribbean - Occupations Military Personnel Information on West Indian Regiments Colonial Marines Merchant Seamen |
The 40th Illinois Regiment Volunteer Infantry Complete alphabetic roster of the regiment with some personal information. Site also includes some statistics. |
First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry regiment was quickly filled with enthusiastic men from all parts of Minnesota and was one of the few regiments that received training by a |
3rd Michigan Infantry History Project Comprehensive source of information about this regiment and the men that served in it. |
Scottish Military Highland Regiments Web Scottish Military - Highland Regiments Most of these accounts are by William Melven, M.A., Glasgow Introduction |
The Regimental System What, in fact, is the regimental system? And does it apply only to named regiments of the combat arms? |
Index page A compilation of information regarding a young Hoosier in the Civil War. History, Roster, Links |
Former Regiments (95th)- Regimental Heritage - Royal Green Jackets Former Regiments: The Rifle Brigade (95th) A further ten battalions of affiliated Territorial Regiments served, mostly on the Western Front but |
On the Trail of Our Ancestors/Loyalist Muster Roll Index Loyal American Regiments. Capt. Christopher Hatch's Company of Loyal Americans at Haarlem, (Probably early 1778) Capt. |
Brigade of Guards in America, Grenadier Company This site is a chance to explore and present the three Regiments of Foot Guards who volunteered for service in America. |
Recruitment of Illinois Infantry Regiments - Civil War, 1861-1865 Recruitment of Illinois Infantry Regiments - Civil War, 1861-1865 |