Suggested Books

Swabby II

Enlisted Soldier's Guide (Enlisted Soldier's Guide)

Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay

Once a Marine

Roses and Thorns (A Handbook for Marine Corps Enlisted Wives)
DefenseLINK News: Navy Hospital Ship Continues to Care for... The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy is becoming a common sight off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the commander of the ship’s medical |
Air Force Link - Sites Andersen Air Force Base, Guam Andersen AFB is home to Pacific Air Forces’ 13th Air Force and the 36th Air Base Wing, Air Mobility Command’s 634th |
U.S. Coast Guard Bibliography: Military Prep. WWII CG Manned... World War Two Era Coast Guard Manned Navy and Army Vessels. Articles: |
Navy Fact File: Large, Medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off ships - T-AKR USNS Bob Hope (T-AKR 300) USNS Fisher (T-AKR 301) USNS Seay (T-AKR 302) USNS Mendonca (T-AKR 303) USNS Pililaau (T-AKR 304) USNS |
Swiss Army knife - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search. A Victorinox Swiss Army knife. Some of the various designs produced by Victorinox. |
AFPC - Air Force Personnel Center Huge site addresses AF personnel issues for civilians, retirees, and active duty military. |
Enlisted To AFIT Information Air Force Enlisted to AFIT Program Information FAQs. Enlisted Application Form. AFIT Graduate Catalog 2950 HOBSON WAY - WPAFB OH 45433-7765 |
U.S. Military Information Guided Portal to Links, resources, news, information, and photos about the United States Military. |
Air Force Sergeants Association Comprised of Air Force enlistees, both active duty and retired, of all grades, including Air National Guard and AF Reserve, and offers an Auxiliary |
MR1472.ch4 Navy detailers have competing demands from internal and external commands for warfare specialists and are responsible for manning Navy command |
Air Force Enlisted Village The Air Force Enlisted Village was founded in 1967 to provide a safe, secure and dignified place for indigent widows of retired Air Force personnel. |
U.S. Marine Corps Heritage. Traditions. Semper Fidelis. Core Values. Oath. USMC Birthday. Silent Drill. The President's Own. Marines' Hymn 8th & I. |
ATGMIDPAC WATCHBILL Job Advertising & Selection System (JASS) Support Site – http://www.bupers.navy.mil/jass/ |
Command and Staff College Command and Staff College |
EANGUS: The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United... EANGUS exists to _QUOTATION_promote the status, welfare and professionalism of the enlisted members of the National Guard of the United |
The Retired Enlisted Assn (TREA) Advocacy group for active duty and retired enlisted personnel. Legislative and health care information, outreach programs, and current news offered |
AF Enlisted Heritage Research Institute The Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute is dedicated to preserving the rich and dramatic heritage and tradition of the enlisted corps of |
Today's Military : Military Careers Browse Home › Military Careers View: All Jobs |
New Page 3 EREC Has Moved. |
Non Commissioned Officers Association Advocates on behalf of enlisted men and women in the five branches of the US armed forces, including National Guard and Reserve. Member benefits, |
Naval Enlisted Reserve Association NERA is the only association which exclusively represents enlisted reservists in the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard to Congress, the White House, |
Today's Military : Welcome to Today's Military Military information for parents and teens. |
College for Enlisted PME |
Fleet Reserve Association A nonprofit organization comprised of enlisted personnel (active duty, reserve, and retired) of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Full |
U.S. Naval Institute Professional society of the Sea Services, dedicated to the advancement of professional, literary, and scientific knowledge and the advancement of |
Medal of Honor Information: Congressional Medal of Honor Society Storehouse of information on the Medal of Honor, including its history, symbolism and answers to FAQ. |
Senior Enlisted Academy (SEA) A non-profit, private corporation dedicated to supporting advanced senior enlisted leadership training. |
Merriam-Webster Online For More Information on "enlisted+man" go to Britannica.com Get the Top 10 Search Results for "enlisted+man" Pronunciation Symbols |
Quartermaster Shop Quartermaster Shop ® 2006 All Rights Reserved. If you experience any problems, or have questions or comments please contact the Webmaster. |
The Edmund Couto Chapter Web site for the Edmund Couto Chapter of The Naval Enlisted Reserve Association |
GACNERA.COM News and information about this Chapter, including a photo gallery and newsletters. |
Project A.R.E.S. - Enlisted Personnel Order Form - Project ARES Project A.R.E.S. provides ritual kits free of charge to all active-duty personnel in any branch of the military and to military chaplains for use |
UnitedStatesCoastGuard Overview of career tracks for enlisted, officer, reserve, and auxiliary personnel, and civilians. FAQ, and details about scholarships. |
SSEMC.ORG - Spangdahlem Spouse's Enlisted Members Club - Menu page Spangdahlem Spouses and Enlisted Members Club |
Scott Enlisted Spouses Club Scott Enlisted Spouses' Club Academic Scholarship Click for Application 21 March 2005 Deadline. Sun, 2 Oct 2005. Scott ESC News |
All Hands Online - January 1999:Order of Precedence The following display represents the correct order of precedence for medals and/or ribbons most likely to be worn today on the Navy uniform. |
Signal Corps Regimental Association - National Office Fort Gordon,... that consists of military (Active, Reserve, Retired, Separated, Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Enlisted), Department of the Army |
US Navy Blue Angels Official site of the U.S. Navy flight demonstration team. |