Suggested Books

Improvised Munitions Handbook

Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook (Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook)

Profits of War

Improvised Munitions Black Book Vol. 1

Improvised Munitions Black Book Volume 2
Air Force Link - Sites Andersen Air Force Base, Guam Andersen AFB is home to Pacific Air Forces’ 13th Air Force and the 36th Air Base Wing, Air Mobility Command’s 634th |
USNS Comfort Stops in Rota in Return to Homeport USNS Comfort Stops in Rota in Return to Homeport In-Depth Coverage Navy Newsstand. Story Number: NNS030529-05 |
Signal importantly, GPS has transformed USAF munitions capabilities by providing the basis for unmatched all-weather Precision Guided Munitions, such |
AFRL Acronym Dictionary PF-1 Priming Fluid 1 (MIL-P-87173) PGM Precision Guided Munitions. PILOT Phased Integrated Laser Optics Technology |
Islamic Parties Carry Iraq Local Vote ( Sign In |
T-AH 19 Mercy Class - Navy Ships USNS Mercy T-AH 19 NASSCO Oakland 29 Jun 1973 01 Feb 1976 USNS Comfort T-AH 20 NASSCO Baltimore 01 Jun 1973 01 Feb 1976 |
| - Politics News - Fast Facts: Base Breakdown Georgia — Four military bases, the Navy Supply Corps School in Athens, Fort Gillem, Fort McPherson and the Naval Air Station in Atlanta |
Naval Technology defense industry web site containing directory of warship builders, naval architects and ship repairs. Includes multi-role navy ships, support |
RAFAEL Israel Armament Development Authority - home page Israel's leading developer of arms related technology. |
Remains of toxic bullets litter Iraq |
Stabilisation Force in Bosnia and Herzegovina - SFOR - Homepage English-language newspaper of the NATO peacekeeping force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |
Wastes: Military Munitions Final Rule Wastes: Military Munitions Final Rule |
Bofors Defence AB Swedish defence systems manufacturer. Munitions, platform mounted launchers, artillery and gun systems. |
Military Toxics Project Take Action * Act Now * Help end the special exemption for transport of DU munitions MTP & Members in the News |
Discounted casualties - the human cost of depleted uranium Special Reports[Okinawa]: DU munitions in Okinawa Special Reports[Yugoslavia]: Divided country stealthy invasion by radiation Special |
:.. IMT Forge Group ..: Companies around the world are coming to Canada to work with a company known for its custom forging and precision machining. The company is IMT, a |
Heckler & Koch Herstellung von Pistolen und Maschinengewehren für den Einsatz im Bereich Landesverteidigung. Beschreibung der Produkte und des Unternehmens. |
Stop the Use of Child Soldiers! - Military Officers' Letter to the... As military professionals, we are deeply troubled by the growing use of Army (retired), Sonoma, California Captain Lowe H. Bibby, US Navy |
SIGARMS Home Features weapons made by this firm, B. Rizzini, and Hammerli. Also provides information about the academy and a dealer locator. |
Welcome to the official FN HERSTAL website Manufacturer and distributer of firearms and accessories including the Browning and Winchester branded products. |
Home Page - Smith & Wesson American-made handguns, revolvers and tactical pistols. |
Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action Depleted Uranium Munitions Action Plan (updated November 2004) Depleted Uranium document from US Navy. The case for abolishing nuclear weapons |
EURENCO - cast pbx charges Due to these assets, EURENCO cast PBX solutions have played a leading part in the field of Insensitive Munitions (i.e. French MURAT concept). |
CCI Manufacturer of a wide range of ammunition. |
The munitions archive is temporarily unavailable. The munitions archive is temporarily unavailable. Please go to one of the mirrors. Try here. |
U.S. Ordnance, Inc. Exclusive manufacturer and sole distributor for all models of the M60 series machine gun and spare parts. |
Current Issues - Depleted Uranium Weapons in the Gulf Wars (1991,... UK Royal Society calls for cleanup of depleted uranium munitions in Iraq |
Willkommen bei Unique Alpine Producer of sniper systems, high precision rifles and anti-material guns. |
ADVANCED MILITARY SYSTEM DESIGN Supplier of next-generation sniper rifles and related weaponry and ammunition. |
Hirtenberger AG Ammuniton and components for small arms, mortars, tanks and howitzers. |
RUAG Munition Development, production and maintenance of ammunition and ammunition systems. Disposal plant for ammunition components. |
CPEO - Military- UXO One of the major reasons the debate over munitions waste regulation is so contentious is that there is currently no safe, complete, cheap way |
FACT SHEET: Military Munitions Rule Unused munitions - at what point do they become a solid waste Unused munitions; Munitions used for intended purposes; and Used or fired |
Defense Technologies and Federal Laboratories Manufacturer of less-lethal solutions, including lines of Duty Aerosols, Specialty Impact Munitions, Crowd Management products and Tactical |
Defense Technologies and Federal Laboratories Manufacturer of less-lethal solutions, including lines of Duty Aerosols, Specialty Impact Munitions, Crowd Management products and Tactical |
| - Military Site Search No more searches like this anymore: 'united states munitions list' andnot .com .edu .org ©2005 MilitaryFactory.Info • All Rights Reserved |
SNC TEC, always on target / atteignez vos objectifs Manufacturer of ammunition (5.56mm to 155mm), pyrotechnic products and grenades. |
BAE Systems Design and production of combat vehicles, artillery, naval guns, missile launchers and munitions. |
Civil War Artillery, Antique Civil War Artillery Ammunition - AAA... AAA Munitions Antique artillery ammunition for the new millennium. Email Me! The purpose for this site is threefold. |
5. Why use less lethal ammunition? The World's Leader Of Less Lethal Direct Impact Munitions Supplier of Less Lethal Products to U.S. Marine Corps & Department of Defense |
ATK - An Advanced Weapon and Space Systems Company Supplier of aerospace and defense products to U.S. Government, its allies, and major prime contractors. Munitions, smart weapons, propulsion and |
Studies in Intelligence Estimating Soviet Military Intentions and Capabilities Raymond L. Garthoff |