Department Of Defense
Suggested Books

US Army Survival Manual

U.S. Army Ranger Handbook SH 21-76 (April 2000)

Boobytraps Fm5-31

Improvised Munitions Handbook

Explosives and Demolitions Fm 5-25
DefenseLINK News: Navy Hospital Ship Continues to Care for... The Navy hospital ship USNS Mercy is becoming a common sight off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the commander of the ship’s medical |
Reengineering Review - June 1999 - Navy Smart Card Technology Steams... Navy Smart Card Technology Steams Ahead. The 'Milky Way' Contributes to Healthy Babies and Reduces Medical Costs |
SUBJECT: Civilian Employment and Reemployment Rights of Applicants... Service in the Department of the Navy by Civilian Employment and Reemployment Rights, Benefits, and Obligations for Applicants for, and Service |
DARPA Home where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions. |
USJFCOM: Leading the transformation of the U.S. military More about partnering with us USJFCOM, partners to examine roles of multinational health service support and civil-military operations |
America Supports You America Support You - The official Department of Defense web site encouraging support of U.S. Military troops around the world, especially those |
United States Air Force Academy Civilian pay raises to take effect The upcoming pay period for Defense Department civilian General Schedule employees will reflect a 2.1 |
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command... Photo Gallery. Army SOF Navy Special Warfare Air Commandos consults with his Armed Forces of the Accessibility Statement |
President Presents Medal of Honor to Sergeant First Class Paul Ray... President Bush on Monday said, "On this day two years ago, Sergeant Smith gave his all for his men. And today, we bestow upon Sergeant Smith the |
New Page 1 Responsible for U.S. security interests in 25 nations that stretch from the Horn of Africa through the Arabian Gulf region, into Central Asia. |
Arnold Engineering Development Center Arnold AFB, TN |
| / News / Boston Globe / Health / Science / Calendar: Oct.... Soon it became clear that they had discovered something breathtaking: A vast terra-cotta army of life-size soldiers. |
Weekly Column May 19, 1997 Contact: Kristy Khachigian (202)225-2132 Military Separation—Is It Equal? Istook On the Issues |
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute The AFRRI is part of the United States Department of Defense. On-line publications, seminar schedules and reports. |
Headquarters United States European Command U.S. Army, Europe converts, inactivates and returns numerous units to the United States as part of Defense Department transformation efforts. |
Call to Duty The hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) leaves Baltimore harbor en route to Earle, N.J., where it will embark Navy medical personnel before |
Office of the Special Assistant for the Gulf War Illnesses Provides recently-declassified documents that may be relevant to illnesses affecting Gulf War Veterans. |
U.S. Department of Defense Official Website - 02/06/2006 - Edition 5 Department of Defense. |
USNS Comfort Underway Search. Comfort press release. USNS Comfort Underway A Sailor aboard U.S. Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort cleans the deck around the |
Defense Information Systems Agency Manager of the Global Information Grid (GIG), DISA is integrating hardware and software and constructing a common operating environment to sustain |
The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Useful Links 2006 Tax Form Information. Garnishment Out-of-Service Debt 2006 Military Pay Tables. Civilian Pay Scales. Pay and |
ANTHRAX VACCINE IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM - The Official DoD Anthrax News as it happens, newsletter, documents, policies, links. |
AcqWeb - Welcome will provide the Secretary of Defense and the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review recommendations on how the Department of Defense can improve the |
Joint Military Intelligence College (JMIC) Home > The Joint Military Intelligence College |
Civilian Personnel Management Service (CPMS) Homepage Provides corporate level leadership in human resources management by developing and managing human resources programs and systems. Supports the Under |
Korean War 50th Anniversary The Department of Defense 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration has officially ended effective September 30, 2003. Thank you for your |
Department of Defense Education Activity Civilian agency responsible for the administration of public schools for children of military service members and Department of Defense civilian |
Defense Threat Reduction Agency Consolidates a variety of US Defense Department functions to deal more effectively with the threats posed by nuclear, chemical, or biological |
Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) Headquarters at Fort Lee, Virginia, DeCA operates a worldwide chain of 284 commissaries to provide groceries to military personnel, retirees and |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research The Department of Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR), Dr. Kathleen Kaplan |
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Performs contract audits for the Department of Defense and some other agencies, and provides accounting and financial advisory services regarding |
Operation Dear Messages from Home Published by the Department of Defense, this site allows U.S. citizens to send messages of support to U.S. Armed Forces troops deployed overseas in |
UNITED STATES SOUTHERN COMMMAND Web Operations ensures the USSOUTHCOM web site adheres to Department of Defense web policies and guidelines, FOIA information, as well as |
DSCA Home Defense Link State Department FirstGov Site Map FAQs Contact Us Search |
OUSD Personnel and Readiness Home Page/Re-direct page The URL for the Personnel and Readiness Home Page site has been changed. Please make the appropriate changes in your favorites/bookmarks. |
U.S. Pacific Command: An Official Military Website Tue, Feb. 07,... crew members aid attack victim Military Sea Lift Command, Far East Public Affairs SINGAPORE -- Two U.S. Navy Sailors and one merchant mariner |
Office of Force Transformation: Home Page This Office of Force Transformation web site is an official web site of the United States Department of Defense. |
Defense Security Service (DSS) Internet Web Site Provides security services to the Department of Defense and defense contractors. Mostly counter-espionage and physical security tasks. Formerly |
Washington Headquarters Services (WHS) Provides operational and support services including financial management and accounting services, directives and records management, civilian and |
This is a Department of Defense computer system This is a Department of Defense computer system. |